Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Keeping the Connection

Ch, Maj Gen Lorraine K. Potter: a big THANK YOU to all who supported Rocky and I with prayers, emails and cards at the death of our daughter, Lynda Barkley (died on Good Friday and buried on Easter at 49 years of age) and my mother, Frances Fallon (died on Memorial Day at age 95).

From Ch Sarah Tarpley: I would like to ask for your prayers. I was in the hospital for a week with a bad infection and kidney stone and underwent surgery to put in a stent, which I still have. The infection is under control now and I'm continuing to regain my strength slowly. On Sep 3, I will go back to surgery for the Dr to remove the kidney stone. It will be a day surgery, but still invasive nonetheless. Again, I would appreciate your prayers for the upcoming surgery and for my recovery. Complete recovery will take some time, but I put my hope and trust in God. I've never gotten this sick before, never stayed overnight at the hospital, and never had surgery or a procedure done. I really do appreciate your prayers. Thanks. Sarah

From Ch Rhonda Cushman: Our son, Mike, has been very ill since late June, twice in the hospital, but now home receiving IV antibiotics and follow-up care with Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. We expect him to make a full recovery, but it has been and will be slow and will continue to require much patience, diligence and determination. Prayers for Mike and Mom and Dad are much appreciated. …. I will be starting a CPE unit part time at Jefferson Hospital right after Labor Day….assuming Mike’s recovery stays on track.

From Ch Josephine Pinkney: Ch Regina Samuel and Ch Eusebia Rios are now deployed.

From Ch Laura Adelia: she was bumped from a flight and will not be home until 4 or 5 Sept.

From Ch Elaine Henderson: My temporary full-time job at my base comes to an end 30 Sep 2009. It has been a great 19 months -- offering retreats, workshops and counseling to the members of the 178 FW and the state of Ohio as the full-time Air presence. I have also enjoyed offering workshops to our Army brothers, sisters and their families around the nation at my commander’s expense. I was able to offer the first pre-deployment workshop to Army medics,
Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants in May 2009. Hope to continue to track the long-term benefit of “Getting Rid Of Wrocks” during their 12 month deployment.

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